
Triatix controls all stages of ticks and strains of ticks resistant to arsenic, organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates and synthetic pyrethriods and is not subject to cross-resistance from other acaricides. This ectoparasiticide rapidly controls mange, mites and lice on cattle, small stock, pigs and dogs.

Effective Use

Ticks including organophosphate resistant strains
Mange Mites

For Use On

Mange, Mites, Lice on cattle, Small stock, Pigs, Dogs.


Amitraz 12.5% m/v

Pack Size

100ml, 500ml, 2L, 5L

Directions for Use

Application Type: Plunge Dip, Hand spray or Spray Race

Plunge Dipping

Should be applied with stabilizer

Each Triatix 2L added requires a 6-kg lime bag to be sprinkled onto the water at the end of each dipping.

Filling Rate (initial fill):

  • 1 pack (2 liters) Triatix per 1000 litres of water in the tank.
  • Open all the 2-liter containers and empty into a bucket.
  • Pre-cream with an equal volume of water before mixing with bulk water in the tank.
  • Pour into the dip tank from end to end.
  • Dip at least 25 head to agitate.
  • Mix the wash and return these to the collecting pen for re-dipping.
  • This procedure should be performed at the start of each day’s dipping in a full-strength wash.


There are 2 methods:


  1. Coopers Head Count System (HCS) of Replenishment
  • A single 2-liter Triatix is added for every 250 head dipped.
  • Replenishment should take place at the end of the dipping or after 500 cattle dipped – whichever comes first.
  • The required volume of concentrate is pre-creamed and added to the dip wash, and the stabilizer sprinkled onto the surface of the dip wash.
  • Top up the tank to the full mark with water immediately prior to the next dipping.
  • For convenience and accuracy use the Triatix Record Sheet.
  • This method is strongly recommended as it maintains the dip wash at the correct concentrate and therefore dip wash analysis is seldom required.


  1. Conventional Method of Replenishment
  • A single 2-liter Triatix is to be added for every 600 litres of water added to the dip tank.
  • Mix as described under Filling Rate.
  • At the end of the day’s dipping sprinkle all the packs of stabilizer from the open packs onto the dip wash surface.
  • Do not agitate.

Handspraying (Ruminants & Pigs)

Dilution Rate:           1:500

16L Knapsack:         Mix 16L of water with 32ml of Triatix.

Spray Race

Initial filling rate: 1: 500

  • Fill spray race sump with 400 litres of water plus 2.5 litres for every animal to be sprayed.
  • Pre-cream concentrate with an equal volume of water before mixing with bulk water in the sump.
  • Always prepare fresh wash for each day’s spraying.

Boost rate:

  • Add 250ml of Triatix for every 100 head through the spray race.
  • Under heavy tick challenge clip hair from ears and tail brushes to assist wetting.

Withdrawal Period

Meat:  1 day

Milk:    None


DO NOT use on horses – may cause severe colic

Toxic to fish – do not contaminate waterways.

Keep out of reach of children.

Wear protective clothing