
SPOT ON is an effective dip that controls lice, ticks, nuisance and biting flies for cattle, including tsetse flies. The wide safety margin of SPOT ON allows it to be safe to use on all age groups of livestock as well as all stages of pregnancy.

Effective Use

Biting/Nuisance flies, all tick species, tsetse flies

For Use On

All age groups of livestock as well as all stages of pregnancy.


Deltamethrin 1% m/v

Pack Size

200ml, 1Litre, 20Litre

Directions for Use

SPOT ON may be applied using the user-friendly squeeze and pour bottle.

Application on Cattle & Small Stock:

Dose:              1 ml SPOT ON per 10 kg body weight

Method:          Apply from ear base to ear base, on the tail head and as a strip down each side of the mid line from shoulder to rump

Intervals:        Apply every 14 days during periods of heavy challenge or at longer intervals depending on tick challenge

Application in Pigs:

Dose:              5 ml per pig

Method:          Apply as a line along top line

Intervals:        One treatment will control lice

Withdrawal Period

Meat – 7 days


Not to be applied on horses

Do not eat, drink or smoke when using SPOT ON.

Wash hands and exposed skin with soap and water after use. Gloves are recommended when applying SPOT ON

Remove and wash heavily contaminated clothing.

If accidentally swallowed, rinse mouth out with water and seek medical advice.