
Nobilis® Gumboro D78 is a live freeze-dried vaccine for the immunisation of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro).

Effective Use

Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro)

For Use On



Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro) virus strain D78 (live)

Each dose contains at least 4,0 log 10 TCID 50

Pack Size

Glass vials containing 1 000, 2 500 and 5 000 doses respectively

Directions for Use

  1. Spray method
  • Open the freeze-dried vaccine under water.
  • The vaccine should be dissolved in cool, clean, non-chlorinated water which is free from iron.
  • Stir or shake the vaccine solution and administer the vaccine.
  • The spray apparatus should be free from sediments, corrosion and traces of disinfectants (to be used for vaccination purposes only).
  • The vaccine-medicated water should be spread evenly over the correct number of chickens, at a distance of 30 to 40 cm, preferably when chickens are sitting together in dim light.
  • The vaccine should be dissolved in water in a quantity of 1 000 doses/l of water.


  1. Intranasal/Eye Drop Instillation
  • Open the vial and dissolve the vaccine in Intervet Diluent Oculo/Nasal.
  • Administer the vaccine by means of a standardised dropper (usually 30 ml/1 000 doses).
  • One drop should be applied from a height of a few centimetres onto 1 nostril or 1 eye.
  • As an eye drop application, the drop should be allowed to spread evenly across the surface of the eye.
  • Do not release the chicken until a swallowing motion is noticed.
  • For numbers of chickens between standard dosages, the next higher dosage should be chosen.


  1. Drinking water
  • Open the freeze-dried vaccine under water.
  • The vaccine should be dissolved in cool, clean, non-chlorinated water which is free from iron.
  • Stir or shake the vaccine solution and administer the vaccine.
  • Ensure the uptake of all vaccine-medicated water in 2 hours.
  • Ensure that the chickens are thirsty by withholding normal water supply from the chickens for 1 to 2 hours, depending on the ambient temperature.
  • Ensure that there are enough drinkers available to ensure that all chickens have access to the vaccine-medicated water within 1 to 2 hours.
  • Ensure that the water troughs are thoroughly cleaned prior to use.
  • These should be clean and free from traces of detergents and disinfectants.
  • The quantity of water to be used depends on a large number of factors including ambient temperature, stocking densities, etc.
  • It is advisable to consult water consumption tables. An example of dosing rates is as follows:
  • An example of dosing rates: Dissolve 1 000 doses in as many litres of water as the age of the chickens in days, to a maximum of 40 litres.
  • The vaccine should be given in the early morning as this is the main drinking period, as well as the cooler period of the day.
  • When vaccinating large flocks, it is advisable to start by dissolving only part of the vaccine.
  • If the vaccine is administered through a central water supply or proportioner, greater care should be taken.
  • For numbers of chickens between standard dosages, the next higher dosage should be chosen.

Withdrawal Period

Meat: 21 days